Thank you so much for your hospitality! ?
I really enjoyed helping you out hosting the „hiker trash“ we are.
Volunteering at your place for one and a half weeks completely changed my perspective on what you and the other trail angels who open their property do for us.
Besides lack of privacy, there is so much work to be done, cleaning the mess some of „them“ leave every day, being kind to everybody for six to seven months a year.
It also gave me a different perspective on hiker trash. Seeing that some hikers are not able to follow the simple things you ask for is a bummer.
I admire you – and of course Scout&Frodo and The Saufleys“ as well – for doing this for more than twenty years now! I couldn’t do this to be honest.
As Little Steps offered me a ride from LA Airport to Cajon Pass for next year I hope to see you again soon – one year rushes by so fast. And who knows, maybe I will stop by and help you out again for a week or two while the bubble hits your place.
Asking a German guy to search for a can of Sauerkraut in the garage… ?
Thanks again and all the best for you!